“Scholars have produced as manydefinitions of myth as there are myths themselves. This bookwill discuss various definitions of myth as it goes along, but it is interested in myth as a process as much as a thing.”
“[[diving into the wreck]]First having read the book of myths,and loaded the camera,and checked the edge of the knife-blade[...]And now: it is easy to forgetwhat I came foramong so many who have alwayslived here...[...]the thing I came for:the wreck and not the story of the wreckthe thing itself and not the myththe drowned face always staringtoward the sunthe evidence of damageworn by salt and away into this threadbare beautythe ribs of the disastercurving their assertionamong the tentative haunters.[...]We are, I am, you areby cowardice or couragethe one who find our wayback to this scenecarrying a knife, a cameraa book of mythsin whichour names do not appear.”
“All things fade and quickly turn to myth.”
“Maybe there is no right thing to say. Maybe the right thing is just a myth, not really out there at all.”
“Every myth is based on truth. And the ice hides many things”