“At home there tarries like a lurking snake, Biding its time, a wrath unreconciled, A wily watcher, passionate to slake, In blood, resentment for a murdered child.”
“A relationship is like being in a forest, where snakes lurk awaiting the chance to entice.”
“In the boundaryless forests, there’re dancers of nude.Yet in the confines of pasture, there’s promise of food.On which is your side?Ô, but tarry and bide,ere you decide,in both do confide.”
“But is there not something strange about any room that has been occupied through generations? Death has lurked in it…love has been rosy red in it…births have been here…all the passions…all the hopes. It is full of wraths.”
“Karma bides it's time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback.”
“I feel only sorrow that I have failed to please. Sorrow-and not resentment-for my mother says that resentment is the most readily visible of all the sinful emotions, but sorrow can enhance one's sweetness and appeal. Resentment, the empress says, is like a snake that nests in the bosom, and it can turn and strike her who harbors it.”