“It will prove, I fear, too Herculean a task for us.”
“I have a theory about how she might have managed to pull off such a feat. It comes in the form of an equation: Love + Fear = Herculean Strength. It’s how mothers come to fling runaway motorcars from their children.”
“New York City, city of exaggerations. Place of Herculean ascensions and perilous falls.”
“Courage is the ability to execute tasks and assignments without fear or intimidation.”
“Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal.”
“I learned to fly on a broom," he said, rolling up his sleeves. "I can learn to milk a goat, I bet." Though flying on a broom proved to be the easier task, he found.”