“If you know your mistake, you know how to apologies”
“if you do a mistake, do that focusedly, after that you'll know what is the problem of your mistake.”
“How do you know when an apology is true—when it means something, or can change something, or will last outside the moment?”
“But that's how life is. You never know how it's going to turn out, and you can't plan for everything. You just have to do your best dealing with things as they come and hope people forgive you when you make a mistake.”
“Oh, I apologize, Padre. I said ‘you will see.’ I forgot that you can’t, in fact, see. So I apologize, but only for the slip of the tongue. Because you and I both know your infliction is something for which the Landlord alone is responsible.”
“Apology accepted. Everyone makes mistakes. You are part-human after all.”