“Jealousy is a useless, time-wasting emotion that's eating me alive.”
“Jealousy is such a useless emotion.”
“Jealousy can’t sour someone to this extreme, can it? (Aiden)It can and it does. Believe me. I’ve seen a lot worse than this in my billion or so years of existence – the first murder man committed was one brother against the other for no other reason than that one petty emotion. Jealousy turns to hatred which then turns to poison. It infects and it destroys until it eats someone alive. (Deimos)”
“What, you don't eat fat people?''Fat...not alive. Waste product. Need meet.”
“Don't waste your time with jealousy. Some times your ahead, some times your behind. The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself.”
“Jealousy is such an ugly emotion.”