“One recipe for happiness is to have to sense of entitlement.' To this she added a star and noted at the bottom of the page: 'This is not a lesson I have ever been in a position to learn.”
“I must admit, that I have learned more from my negative experiences than I have ever learned from my positive one.”
“The most important lesson I have ever learned is that I haven't learned anything.”
“It was hidden inside another book. One Valentine was unlikely to ever open." Magnus smiled crookedly. "Simple Recipes for Housewives. No one can say your mother didn't have a sense of humor.”
“I haven't been thinking at all, not really, I've just been following the steps. The recipe. & this is like turning a page in the cookbook & finding the next one blank.”
“He said, one has to learn that painting well - in the academic and technical sense - comes right at the bottom of the list. I mean, you've got that ability. So have thousands.”