“They toured the new hospital, the renovated and expanded McVeigh Home, and the (named without apparent irony) Bay View Home for the Blind and Helpless.”
“Abraham helped build their cabin and split rails for a fence, but he soon left home for good. The log cabin near Decatur was, I learned, the one that went on tour after the assassination. It was dismantled by John Hanks, Lincoln's second cousin, and taken to Chicago and then to Boston. The last sighting of it, as least as far as we can ascertain, was at P.T. Barnum's museum in New York. It was apparently lost at sea while being shipped to England.”
“Is it possible for a home to be a person and not a place? Brigette used to be home to me. Maybe St. Clair is my new home.”
“Humanity, perhaps, that quality of benevolence that humans have, without irony, named after themselves.”
“And there are new kinds of nomads, not people who are at home everywhere, but who are at home nowhere. I was one of them ”
“Where is home?Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace.”