“I'll not go where there is any of that sort of thing going on, again. It's the sure way, and the only sure way;”
“There's a cover for every pot, but I've never seen so many mismatched pots and covers in all my life. - Ellen Wasserfeldman, from Notes from Ellen Wasserfeldman by Alisa Dana Steinberg”
“It's not easy to look the way I do: in popular culture, one only sees a face like mine on the Phaontom of the Opera, on Freddie Krueger from Elm Street, or on Leatherface from deep in the heart of Texas. Sure, a burn victim may "get the girl" - but usually only with a pickax.”
“nuke em till they glow and then shoot 'em in the dark”
“The passing moment is all we can be sure of; it is only common sense to extract its utmost value from it.”