“Jesus was not the man he was as a result of making Jesus Christ his personal savior.”
“Jesus Christ is not just 'my personal Savior'. He is Lord.”
“In my opinion, we will always be sinners in need of our Savior, Jesus Christ."~R. Alan Woods [2007]”
“In Jesus Christ there is no isolation of man from God or of God from man. Rather, in Him we encounter the history, the dialogue, in which God and man meet together and are together, the reality of the covenant MUTUALLY contracted, preserved, and fulfilled by them. Jesus Christ is in His one Person, as true GOD, MAN'S loyal partner, and as true MAN, GOD'S. He is the Lord humbled for communion with man and likewise the Servant exalted to communion with God.”
“Grace is not a doctrine or a religion. It is a person, Jesus Christ.”
“It is the witness given by the Holy Ghost to the individual members of the Church that God lives; that Jesus Christ his son, is our Savior and Redeemer; that his gospel is the plan of salvation and the way to eternal life; and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is his church, possessing authority to preach the gospel and administer the saving ordinances thereof, which give vitality, strength, and power to the Church.”