“Keep on acquiring a taste for what is naturally repugnant; this is an unfailing source of pleasure.”
“For he used to say...that knowledge of the soul would unfailingly make us melancholy if the pleasures of expression did not keep us alert and of good cheer.”
“. . . a statement that is repugnant to one's beliefs can be as true as one that is pleasurable.”
“...pleasure, of course, is a slippery word.... Our pleasures ultimately belong to us, not to the pleasure's source.”
“Mundus vult decipi: the world wants to be deceived. The truth is too complex and frightening; the taste for the truth is an acquired taste that few acquire….….The world winks at dishonesty. the world does not call it dishonesty”
“All other beer is ass, and I will not put in the the work to acquire the taste for things that taste like ass.”