“I gradually became aware that my interiority was inseparable from my exteriority, that the geography of my city was the geography of my soul.”
“My wound is geography. It is also my anchorage, my port of call.”
“A man's ethnic identity has more to do with a personal awareness than with geography.”
“My birthday is coming up. I was born on March 5th, 1982. Humans have come a long way since then—nearly 30 years, if my math is good. And my math better be good, because if my math’s no good, what’s that leave? I mean aside from English, art, science, social studies, history, geography, P.E., recess, and of course, lunch. ”
“Much as I love looking at the stars, I never learned to guide by them. I mark my course by people; Xander, a point in the map, my parents, another point; Ky, the final destination. When Xander moves, the geography of everything changes.”
“But I recently celebrated my thirtieth birthday and became acutely aware of my age, and the passing of time.”