“I'm sitting her thinking, -God, I swear I will take a vow of silence and move to a monastery and worship you for all my days if you just this once provide me with an invisibility cloak, come on, come on, please please invisibility cloak now now now-. It's very possible that Jane is thinking the same thing, I have no idea, because she's not talking either, and I can't look at her on account of how I'm blinded by embarrassment.”
“Oh my God, can you see me? I thought I was wearing my invisibility cloak.”
“I don't need a cloak to become invisible.”
“I think you know if you disappeared from my life I’d be upset, but ultimately I’d make myself a new invisible cloak, to replace the one you stole.”
“My clones better not wear invisible cloaks. How am I supposed to find myself as a person if I can’t even find my clones?”