“Saint or stranger, I still recklessly seek you.”
“In the outside world, my brother told me, people were as reckless as animals and fornicated with strangers on the street.”
“I know there's still good in you, Jude," I whispered. "You were always such a saint...and now you're lost. But you're still my brother.”
“Only the most ignorant still believe, like Saint Augustine, that time is a river. We others know it is a delta: that it branches out and seeks new routes, that it rejoins itself only to seek a thousand new courses. Some may be waterfalls, some no more than little stagnant pools passed by the tide, forever still...This is one of those times. A pool. I sink down in it. I want to stay forever in this water.”
“My airplane is quiet, and for a moment still an alien, still a stranger to the ground, I am home.”
“I'm not as reckless as I used to be. You know, when I was little.”