“The highest privilege of being a writer is being able to say, 'open your mind to me and I'll take you to another world.”
“If I behave like a good boy and take my Prozac...then I won't be able to write anymore. I'll have Writer's block from not being able to communicate with the characters in my mind.”
“The reason faeries don't like iron is that it ties them too strongly to this world. The Paths aren't part of this world - you can't take iron there. It won't let you.'I frowned. "You do realize that makes no sense."'Unlike being able to open a door in the wall and take you to another hemisphere in a matter of minutes? How odd. Everything about Faerie is usually so rational.”
“Being a writer guarantees that you will spend too much time alone -- and that as a result, your mind will begin to warp.”
“Through your ideas, you open the window of your mind and say a hello to the world.”
“Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it.”