“But in her web she still delightsTo weave the mirror’s magic sights,For often thro’ the silent nightsA funeral, with plumes and lights,And music, went to Camelot:Or when the moon was overhead,Came two young lovers lately wed;“I am half-sick of shadows,” saidThe Lady of Shalott.”
“She hath no loyal knight and true, The Lady of Shalott.”
“...you are my Lady of Shalott lost in a dream of isolation - I care too much for you - I romanticize depression...”
“The mirror crack'd from side to side"The curse has come upon me," criedThe Lady of Shalott”
“And I am sick for want of sleep;So sick, that I can half-believeThe soundless river pouring from the caveIs neither strong nor deep;Only an image fancied in conceit.”