“I cannot rest from travel: I will drinkLife to the lees: all times I have enjoyedGreatly, have suffered greatly, both with thoseThat loved me, and alone.”
“I cannot choose for you,” he said, “for choosing a bride is like making a bowl of akamu. If someone makes it poorly, you will blame him for the rest of your life; but if you makeit yourself, you will drink it without complaining, whatever the outcome.”
“I’d need rest to refresh my brain, and to get rest it’s necessary to travel, and to travel one must have money, and in order to get money you have to work. . . . I am in a vicious circle . . .from which it is impossible to escape.”
“I cannot live the rest of my life without my husband. But I can live without him for one day.”
“In the meantime, I would drink, rest, and ponder the meaning of this mob.”