“The Greek terms whose meanings the term "progressive" is meant to cover are 'ateles' and 'paratatikos'. 'Ateles' is formed from alpha-privative and 'telos', meaning "end" or "fulfillment". In light of 'ateles' we might have termed this aspect the "unfulfilled" or "incomplete" aspect. 'Paratatikos' is derived from the preposition 'para' ("alongside") and the verb 'teino' ("to stretch") and denotes an action as continuing or extending.”
“Sin, in the Greek, means missing the mark. An archery term. That’s all it is. That which has kept you from God.”
“What is meant by this term, 'the heart'? According to the general scriptural usage of the term, the heart means the centre of the personality. It does not merely mean the seat of the affections and the emotions.”
“In evolutionary terms, that means we asked for it.”
“But if we are talking in terms of making progress in life, we must understand that "good enough" is very different from "best.”
“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.”