“I searched everywhere for a proof of reality, when all the while I understood quite well that the standard of reality had changed”
“My reality is at the end of the dream. When I walk down the road of life, searching for the door that will guide me to my reality, I am merely walking to confirm there is nothing there.”
“i never understood society. i undersand that it works somehow and that it functions as a reality and that its realities are necessary to keep us from worse realities. but all i sense are that are plenty of police and jails and judges and laws and that what is meant to protect me is breaking me down...”
“Mitchell had answered that, as far as he understood them, mystical experiences were significant only to the extent that they changed a person's conception of reality, and if that changed conception led to a change in behavior and action, a loss of ego.”
“Fancies were all very well for a change, but must be only occasional guests in a world devoted to reality.”
“when one has searched for these as realities, who desires and what is desired?”