“You must let the color to set for as long as it is possible.The darker the stain,the more that he loves you," she says,her English halting,broken, but the message is clear. Emphasized by the meaningful look she shoots Vane and me."Oh,we're not-" I start to say. We're not in love! But Vane's quick to stop me.Slipping an arm around my shoulder, he presses his lips to my cheek, bestowing on the old woman the kind of smile that encourages her to smile back in a startling display of grayed and missing teeth. His actions stunning me stupid, leaving me to sit slack faced and dumb-with heated cheeks,muddied hands, and a rising young breakout start draped over my back.Having never been in love,I admit that I'm definitely no expert on the subject. I have no idea what it feels like.Though I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel like this.I'm pretty dang positive Vane's just cast himself in yet another starring role-playing the part of my dashing young love interest,if only to appease this strange,Moroccan woman we'll never see again.Still,Vane is an actor,and an audience is an audience-no matter how small.”

Alyson Noel

Alyson Noel - “You must let the color to set for as long...” 1

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