“I hauled myself over as if I were mounting a horse. Which I'd never actually done before.Needless to say, it was hardly a graceful affair.”
“4/16/85: If I were thin, I’d never say “I am powerless over fudge.”a) I can’t believe I actually ever said that. b) Which, of course, isn't to say that I do have any power over fudge. Particularly if it has nuts.”
“Mounted on a horse, we were useful in direct proportion to our powers of observation and our ability to interpret what we say, faculties, of course, which are sharpened by interest. And our interest was boundless.”
“I never thought I'd hear myself say it, but safety first!”
“I'd fought hard, and I learned that I could take a hit and keep going. And I'd never let myself get knocked down again”
“I was actually going out of the hospital with two whores on a fishing boat; I had to keep saying it over and over to myself to believe it.”