“My parents want to do things differently. Dad's big on treaties.''And your mother?' Isabeau inquired.'She's big on making grown men cry.”
“Why did you marry Dad, Mom?" My mother sniffled through her nose, looked at me, then smiled. "I wanted something more and he was it. We both had big dreams." "That must have taken a lot of courage," I said. "To marry Dad. He was so different from you.""It was hardly courageous. It was just the only thing to do. We were in love.”
“As my mother says, your forties are when you finally pay for your past mistakes, the cigarettes and sunburns, the Big Macs and smooth-talking men. She may be right.”
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
“I can trust in my parents' love. And it strikes me that is a big thing to trust, a big thing to have had, no matter what else happens.”
“Little little things can do a big differences.”