“Can't you get a guard or something to take me to the bathroom?" I asked."I am the guard," Ludlow snapped, sounding huffy."Oh,really?" I smirked at him, realizing this might be far easier than I thought."Don't underestimate me, Princess," Ludlow growled. "I eat girls like you for breakfast.""So you're a cannibal?" I wrinkled my nose."Ludlow, are you harassing the poor girl?" came a voice from behind Ludlow. He moved to the side, and through the slot I saw Loki swaggering toward us."She's harassing me," Ludlow complained."Yes,talking to a beautiful Princess-what a rough lot you have in life," Loki said dryly, and Matt snorted behind me.”
“Do you believe in luck, Ludlow?" I had thought about this more than once in my life. "I believe some poeple are luckier than others."..."Which do you believe in, luck or Destiny?" Joe considered a moment befoe replying, "We make our own luck, Ludlow, by our actions and our state of mind. As such you control your own fate. Oney one thing is certain: None of us can escape the grave.”
“You've come to say good-bye,I take it?" He arched an eyebrow. "You'll miss me terribly,I know,but if you want to avoid all that,you can always come with me.""That's quite all right,thank you.""Really?" Loki wrinkled his nose. "You can't actually be excited about the upcoming nuptials.""What are you talking about?" I asked, tensing up."I heard you're engaged to that stodgy Markis." Loki waved his hand vaguely and stood up. "Which I think is ridiculous. He's boring and bland and you don't love him at all.""How do you know about that?" I stood up straighter, preparing to defend myself."The guards around here are horrible gossips, and I hear everything." He grinned and sauntered toward me. "And I have two eyes. I've seen that little melodrama play out between you and that other tracker. Fish? Flounder? What's his name?""Finn," I said pointedly. "Yes,him." Loki rested his shoulder against the door. "Can I give you a piece of advice?""By all means.I'd love to hear advice from a prisoner.""Excellent." Loki leaned forward, as close to me as he could before he'd be racked with pain from attempting to leave the room. "Don't marry someone you don't love.”
“That wasn't so bad," I said. It wasn't bad at all, really. The nerve-racking buildup had been the worse part.The Chancellor was sweating like a pig, but this was nothing new. I smiled gratefully at Tove. It had been nice having him at my side. Backup and support were never a bad thing."Those little hobgoblins freak me out." Duncan shuddered at the thought of Ludlow. "I don't know how they can live with them.""I'm sure they think the same thing about you," Finn muttered.”
“Good morning, good morning, good morning," Loki chirped, wheeling in a table covered with silver domes."What are you doing?" I asked, squinting at him. He'd pulled up the shades. I was tired a hell, and I was not happy. "I thought you two lovebirds would like breakfast," Loki said. "So I had the chef whip you up something fantastic." As he set up the table in the sitting area, he looked over at us. "Although you two are sleeping awfully far apart for newly weds.""Oh my god." I groaned and pulled the covers over my head."You know, I think you're being a dick," Tove told him as he got out of bed. "But I'm starving. So I'm willing to overlook it. This time.""A dick?" Loki pretended to be offended. "I'm merely worried about your health. If your bodies aren't used to strenous activities, like a long night of love making, you could waste away if you don't get plenty of protein and rehydrate. I'm concerned for you.""Yes we both believe that's why you're here," Tove said sarcastically and took a glass of orange juice that Loki had just poured for him."What about you princess?" Loki's gaze cut to me as he filled another glass."I'm not hungry."I sighed and sat up."Oh really?" Loki arched an eyebrow. "Does that mean that last night-""It means last night is none of your business," I snapped.”
“If I'd known you'd look so beautiful, I would've gotten dressed up," Loki teased when Finn and Thomas brought him into the War Room. Finn shoved him into a seat unnecessarily hard,but Loki didn't protest."Don't get familiar with the Princess, Duncant told him,giving him a stony look."My apologies," Loki said. "I wouldn't want to get familiar with anyone."Loki looked about the room. Duncan, Finn, Thomas, Tove,the Chancellor, and I were the ones set to meet Sara. The rest of the house was on standby, should we need them,but we didn't want to look like we were ambushing Sara when she arrived."Did you change your mind and decide to execute me?" Loki asked,looking us over. "Because you all look like you're going to a funeral.""Not now," I said, fidgeting with my bracelet and watching the clock."Then when,Princess?" Loki asked. "Because we only have about fifteen minutes until I leave."I rolled my eyes and ignored him.”