“What would happen if I tried to escape?" I asked.I didn't see anyone else. If I outran Loki, I could probably get away. Not that I knew where to go, and I still wouldn't be able to free Matt and Rhys."I would stop you," he replied simply."The same way Kyra did at my house?" A pain flared up in my ribs, as if reminding me of the damage she'd caused/"No." Something dark flickered across his face for a second. He quickly erased it and smiled at me. "I would simply take you in my arms and hold you there until you swooned.""It sounds romantic when you say it that way." I wrinkled my nose, remembering how he'd made me pass out by staring into my eyes. It hadn't been painful, but it hadn't exactly been pleasant either."It is when I envision it.”

Amanda Hocking

Amanda Hocking - “What would happen if I tried to...” 1

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