“What good is a quilt if it's unused? The same as a life unused. They're meant to be wrung out and frayed around the edges. That's the way of things. Always has been. Always will be. ”
“An unused life is an early death.”
“Frugal is an old-fashioned, mostly unused word and frugality is is an old-fashioned mostly unused virtue that has been waiting for hard times to come back. The Scots have another word for it - canny.Keith Smith, Hard Times Handbook, 1984”
“We loved each other in the same difficult, unusable way where you took turns doing it, instead of ever managing to do it at the same time.”
“Guilt results from unused life, from the unlived in us.”
“It's a funny thing when someone says something you've been waiting to hear for a good portion of your life. It's like suddenly it doesn't feel like it took so look for them to say it, because in some way you always knew that they meant to and eventually one day they would get around to it.”