“If you can see everything in all directions, there is no such thing as up or down, left or right.”
“Build it all up, and it all falls down. It all burns down. Everything you need can be taken. Remember that, nieces. Everything you hold dear, it can be taken.”
“Because sometimes doing the right thing when everything else is wrong is all we have left.”
“I don't see how you can go too far, in the right direction”
“When everything you're about to see is too much, look up and see that the sky is clear and know that everything is going to be all right.”
“Think about our bodies. We're a chain of veins and organs and tehy're all interconnected. If something isn't going right in one area, the whole system can get out of whack. That's teh way I see the world. We're all connected. I don't see myself as this separate entity. I see things in a much larger scale. Everything I do directly affects another person, all the way down the chain. Every person I help can help another; we're all connected. Change happens one person at a time. And I want to commit my life to seeing that through.”