“DomesticWhere's the wisdom in erasing a loved one's mess,so akin to his signature? Your honor, I only meantto strew the immaculate in his wake. To wipe the pathahead and behind reasonably clean. Futile, yes,but weren't such gestures essential to love's disciplineonce upon a time? Daily, I harvested dropped fruit peelsand socks. I chased him through life with dustpanand broom, smoothed his body dents from the bed,soothed the mud tramped floors. Did I sin in this?Better to leave the habitat sweetly reeking of himthan to spend years scrubbing up evidence of his existence.Archaelogists centuries hence may marvel at such relics:his mustard stained napkins, toothpicks chewedto splinters. Never let it be said that in my zeal to clean I robbed the future's museums. Whoam I to call what flies to either side of the trailhe blazes--half read magazines, cups of scummedover coffee and mashed out cigarettes--dirt?”

Amy Gerstler

Amy Gerstler - “DomesticWhere's the wisdom in erasing a...” 1

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