“If you tell the story you will live the story. If you live the story you have to own the story. If you dont like the story your living, stop telling it.”
“If you want to write, you can. Fear stops most people from writing, not lack of talent, whatever that is. Who am I? What right have I to speak? Who will listen to me if I do? You’re a human being, with a unique story to tell, and you have every right. If you speak with passion, many of us will listen. We need stories to live, all of us. We live by story. Yours enlarges the circle.”
“All those stories need different endings——which is possible because it's my life and I do have the privelege of being able to write the story.”
“Read the stories of the past to write your story for the future.”
“The best advice is not to write what you know, it’s to write what you like. Write the kind of story you like best—write the story you want to read. The same principle applies to your life and your career:”