“We are living in a world where everything is false. The society is like bright paint applied on top of rotten wood.”
“All places where the French settled have corruption at their heart, a kind of soft, rotten glow, like the phosphorescence of decaying wood, that is oddly attractive.”
“Your attitude is like the minds paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors-creating a masterspiece.”
“Would you really like to live in a society where you have no responsibility and no freedom, no choice, only the false option of obedience to the law, or disobedience followed by punishment? Would you really want to go live in a prison?”
“If you see a lonely homeless, ask this question: Where the hell the society is? And here is the answer: It is rotten and enjoying somewhere!”
“Look on the bright side and feel on top of the world! You are a Success.”