“And on that evening when we grow older still we'll speak about these two young men as though they were two strangers we met on the train and whom we admire and want to help along. And we'll want to call it envy, because to call it regret would break our hearts.”
“We'll squeeze every second that we can from our lives, because we're young, and we have plenty of years to grow. We'll grow until we're braver. We'll grow until our bones ache and our skin wrinkles and our hair goes white, and until our hearts decide, at last, that it's time to stop.”
“I want to believe that things sometimes matter. I want to believe that what we had when we were children we can still have when we grow older. That there are some things in life that are worth holding on to.”
“Men are liars. We'll lie about lying if we have to. I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive. ”
“But... we will always be drawn together. We'll always crave each other. We'll always be in tune with each other, physically and mentally. There is nothing that can change or break that. And even if there was, I wouldn't want to. Not for the world.”
“We'll all grow up someday, Meg, we might as well know what we want. ~Amy March~”