“To think, a sweater, is made entirely of knots. My stomach could clothe a village.”
“My stomach is tied up in so many knots it could make a boy scout envious.”
“Theres something alluring and dangerous about him, but comforting and protective. When I think about him, my stomach knots, my heart rate quickens and...and I could go on... -Laney”
“I think I'd rather be heading to detention right now than to talk to him. My stomach is tied up in so many knots it could make a boy scout envious.”
“I got a huge knot in my stomach because if Antarctica could talk, it would be saying only one thing: you don't belong here.”
“But a whole bottle was what made me feel dead inside. And it worked, all the days stress was gone and I was able to live without the gigantic knot in my stomach. Without the boulders weighing down my shoulders.”