“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.”
“If you want to be happy, you need to set your mind on happiness.”
“Do not direct all your energies towards seeking pleasure but rather towards a sublime ideal. Your energies will then serve you and contribute to the realisation of your goal or ideal.”
“If you never get to your goal of setting goals, you will never get to anything.”
“You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own.”
“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”