“Christine:In sleep he sang to meIn dreams he came.That voice which calls to me,And speaks my name.And do I dream again?For now I find,The phantom of the opera is here,Inside my mindPhantom:Sing once again with me ,Our strange duet.My power over you,Grows strenger yet.And though you turn from me,To glace behind.The phantom of the opera is there,Inside your mind♥ ♥ The Phantom of the Opera ♥ ♥”
“Tonight I gave you my soul, and I am dead." - Christine, from Gaston Leroux's: The Phantom of the Opera.”
“I asked him did he really love New York or was he just wearing the shirt. He smiled, like he was nervous. I could tell he didn't understand, which made me feel guilty for speaking English, for some reason. I pointed at his shirt. "Do? You? Really? Love? New York?" He said, "New York?" I said, "Your. Shirt." He looked at his shirt. I pointed at the N and said "New," and the Y and said "York." He looked confused or embarrassed, or surprised, or maybe even mad. I couldn't tell what he was feeling, because I couldn't speak the language of his feelings. "I not know was New York. In Chinese, ny mean 'you.' Thought was 'I love you.'" It was then that I noticed the "I♥NY" poster on the wall, and the "I♥NY" flag over the door, and the "I♥NY" dishtowels, and the "I♥NY" lunchbox on the kitchen table. I asked him, "Well, then why do you love everybody so much?”
“♥We acknowledge & celebrate the grace♥ strength♥ & vital energy of every person touched by a brain tumor♥”
“هل تعلم أن البنت المصريه قد تفقد أنوثتها إذا محطتش 15 قلب ♥ جنب أي ستاتس أو كومنت بتكتبه حتى لو كانتعبت ♥ و نفسي ♥ أنتحر أو أبويا♥ طلق♥ أمي ♥ أول ♥ امبارح”