“Whenever we doubt our own ability to achieve, it is worthwile pondering the obstacles that others have overcome. To name a few...*Napoleon overcame his considerable handicap, his tiny stature, to lead his conquering armies across Europe.*Abraham Lincon failed in business aged 31, lost a legislative race and 32, again failed in business at 34, had his sweetheart die when he was 35, had a nervous breakdown at 36, lost congressional races aged 43, 46 and 48, lost a senatorial race at 55, failed in his efforts to become vice president of the U.S.A aged 56 and lost a further senatorial contest at 58. At 60 years of age he was elected president of the U.S.A and is now remembered as one of the great leaders in world history. *Winston Churchill was a poor student with a speech impediment. Not only did he win a Nobel Prize at 24, but he became one of the most inspiring speakers of recent times. It is not where you start that counts, but where you choose to finish.”

Andrew Matthews

Andrew Matthews - “Whenever we doubt our own ability to...” 1

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