“Sometimes you need to make a mess.-Loretta, the Rollinses' hosekeeper”
“Sometimes six and six make a dozen, and sometimes they make a mess”
“Sometimes you've got to make a mess before you clean it up.”
“It may sound like a mess, but sometimes mess can be okay, mess can be fine. Sometimes mess is just another word for living your life as real you, not someone else's version of what they think you should be.”
“Anyway, if you need your heroes to be perfect, you won't have very many. Even Superman had his Kryptonite. I'd rather have my heroes be more like me: trying to do the right thing, sometimes messing up. Making mistakes. Saying you're sorry. And forgiving other people when they mess up, too.”
“Am I crazy Loretta?""A little," she says. I glance up at her. "Sometimes we're called on to do crazy things.”