“I can't wait to taste you."~Slade”
“Why did you leave? (Aiden)I took care of the person harassing him. Threat gone. Job eliminated. Anything else you want to know? Dental records, fingerprints? Retinal scan? (Leta)Urine sample would work. (Aiden)What cup you want me to use? (Leta)Does anything faze you? (Aiden)I fight people for a living. Do you honestly think peeing in a cup is going to frighten me? (Leta)”
“Try my all-you-can-eat vomit soup. Sadly, people don’t want seconds, because they don’t even want firsts. But it tastes great. I tasted it on the way down—and then again on the way up.”
“I love you. You're everything I have ever prayed for, even when I did'nt know what I wanted.~Aiden”
“I've wanted to go out with you from the first moment I saw you. I just had to wait until you were ready.”