“Just because things hadn't gone the way I had planned didn't necessarily mean they had gone wrong.”
“Just because you'd left something behind didn't mean that it had gone anywhere.”
“And just when I though things were starting to get better, everything had gone wrong again.”
“But knowing that you had gone wrong, and knowing how you had gone wrong, were not the same thing as knowing how to put it right.”
“I felt confident that she wouldn't find out what a chicken I was,because after the comp,if I hadn't gone off the jump,I would be dead of shame.And if I had gone off the jump,I would be just plain dead.”
“Shelby believed that love was like a solar eclipse - breathtakingly beautiful, absorbing, and capable of rendering you blind. She had not necessarily gone out of her way to avoid a relationship, but she hadn't wanted on either. It was called falling in love for a reason - because, inevitably, you crashed at the bottom.”