“Love is like light and there are two kinds, the bursting fireworks of the moment and the solid, fixed stars that sometimes become obscured in the heavens, but are always there, year after year, for a lifetime.”
“What it love, you ask. Dear child, love is like the light and there are two kinds, the bursting fireworks of the moment and the solid, fixed stars that sometimes become obscured in the heavens, but are always there, year after year, for a lifetime. You must experience the first in order to appreciate the second.”
“Like you, I have often wondered why fears reign at night. After twenty years of such wondering, I now believe that fears are not born of darkness; rather, fears are like stars - always there, but obscured by the glare of daylight.”
“Sometimes,” he said after a second that lasted a million years, “things get broken. And they can’t be fixed.”
“You should know the truth about the stars--- even though it seems like they're close together, up there in heavens, they're zillion light years apart.”
“The missing years become lifetimes.”