“Perhaps it's because it's incredible to meet someone and say: with this person, I'm happy.”
“...the irrational will have its say, perhaps because 'irrational' is the wrong word for it.”
“It's too bad I'm not as wonderful a person as people say I am, because the world could use a few people like that.”
“It's not like I'm such a shiny happy person either, you know? I'm a wreck too, I'm just... still alive.”
“If you think I'm happy when you're not around, it's because I'm thinking of you.”
“It's not the job of this town to make me feel happy. It's not this town´s fault that I don't feel I fit in. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, because it's about where you are in your head. It's about the other world I inhabit. The world of dreams, hope, imagination, and memories. I'm happy up here, and because of that I'm happy up there too”