“You can tell a really wonderful quote by the fact that it's attributed to a whole raft of wits.”

Anna Quindlen

Anna Quindlen - “You can tell a really wonderful quote...” 1

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“You can quote me, but I'll tell everyone that you're lying.”

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“I am making a correction to one of the quotes you guys have for Sly Stallone; It's not ethical to put " " around words saying a person said something and did not. Hence the meaning of quoting someone; means that person said exactly what you're putting quotes around-Verbatim. Here's the real quote by Sly Stallone in Rocky Balboa; "It ain't about how hard you can hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." Under your quote guidelines should read only enter quotes if you without a doubt are in fact quoting something someone said verbatim.”

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“oh. It's an E.E. Cummings quote: 'It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”

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