“When I was little – eight or nine – I used to scare myself by looking up at the stars. You can see hundreds, thousands. The more I looked, the more I could see. Have you ever done it?”Josie shakes her head.“On really clear nights you can see the Milky Way… and the world suddenly seems so small. And I thought, if the world is that small then I must be just a speck, smaller than a speck, totally insignificant in a universe I couldn’t even begin to understand. So I chose to believe that I do matter, that everyone matters.” The waitress leans back in the chair and laughs at herself. “And, yes, I do realise it makes absolutely no sense at all, before you say anything.”From the story 'Omelette”

Annalisa Crawford

Annalisa Crawford - “When I was little – eight or nine ... 1

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