“..myself standing in front of Monticello wearing a veil and a wedding gown, hand in hand with a very muscular President Jefferson.”
“Forest who is in love with fire will wear black wedding gown in her wedding.”
“Thomas Jefferson is by far the smartest president,” said Thomas Jefferson, about Thomas Jefferson, and to Thomas Jefferson. Even though he was only the third president, he might be surprised to learn that today. I myself just learned it yesterday.”
“I brushed my hands on the pockets of my jeans, still marvelling at the fact I wasn't wearing a gown. And that I had real underwear on. It was the small things”
“Wearing your clothes or standing in the shower for over an hour, pretending that this skin is your skin, these hands your hands, these shins, these soapy flanks”
“I see dead Presidents. Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington.”