“...Go somewhere else. Somewhere safer.”Anywhere else. God, please. Or he was likely to do something horribly awful, like surrender his sanity and kiss her.”
“He'll have to do without me, Jamie thought, not looking back. And then clearly, as if he'd been told, he knew Grenville /could/ do without him. There was somewhere else he had to go now, somewhere else he had to be.”
“That okay. I'll go find somewhere else to sleep."Her fingers wrap around my arm. "You don't have to go anywhere. I feel safe with you.”
“I read somewhere that if you don't worship God, you'll find something else to worship, like money or power or your own reflection in the mirror.”
“Satisfaction comes from giving up wishing I was somewhere else or doing something else.”
“This person, this self, this me, finally, was made somewhere else. Everything had come from somewhere else, and it would all go somewhere else. I was nothing but a pathway for the person known as me.”