“But during all these years I had a vague but persistent desire to return to New Orleans. I never forgot New Orleans. And when we were in tropical places and places of those flowers and trees that grow in Louisiana, I would think of it acutely and I would feel for my home the only glimmer of desire I felt for anything outside my endless pursuit of art.”

Anne Rice

Anne Rice - “But during all these years I had a vague...” 1

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“The only excursion of my life outside of New Orleans took me through the vortex to the whirlpool of despair: Baton Rouge. . . . New Orleans is, on the other hand, a comfortable metropolis which has a certain apathy and stagnation which I find inoffensive.”

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“I was the vampire Lestat again. I was back in action. New Orleans was once again my hunting ground.”

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“Holiness is new affections, new desires, and new motivs that then lead to new behavior. If I don't see my sin as completely forgiven, then my affections, desires, and motives will be wrong. I will just aim to improve myself. My focus will be the consequence of my sin rather than hating the sin and desiring God in its place. Holiness is not new behaviors. Holiness is new affections...it is found in our desire of the Holy One”

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