“At night the bats will beat on the trees, knowing it all, seeing what they sensed all day....”
In this quote by Anne Sexton, the bats symbolize wisdom and intuition. The bats' behavior of beating on the trees suggests a sense of urgency and persistence in seeking knowledge. By stating that they "know it all" and "see what they sensed all day," Sexton emphasizes the bats' innate ability to understand the world around them deeply. This quote highlights the importance of intuition and perception in gaining profound insight and understanding.
In this quote by Anne Sexton, the image of bats beating on trees at night highlights their connection to the unseen world. This can be seen as a metaphor for intuition and understanding beyond what is immediately visible. In today's fast-paced world, where we are bombarded with information and distractions, it is important to remember the value of tuning into our instincts and trusting our inner wisdom. Just like the bats, we too have the ability to sense and understand things that may not be immediately apparent.
“At night the bats will beat on the trees, knowing it all, seeing what they sensed all day....” - Anne Sexton
Reflecting on the quote by Anne Sexton, consider the idea of intuition and inner knowing. What do you think the bats symbolize in this context? How does this quote make you think about the power of intuition and trusting our instincts? How can we tap into our own inner wisdom and intuition in our daily lives?
“All days are nights to see till I see thee, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.”
“All that we know, soon shall we abandon. As time will lend itself. Eyes know only what they see. But brave hearts beat on with belief.”
“We all take a beating every day, you know, one way or another.”
“Pitching always beats batting — and vice-versa.”
“The next few hours were, well, how to describe it? Ask someone to lock you in a box with no light, nobody to talk to, and then have them beat on it with a tree limb to make a hideous sound. Do that for hours, and if you're still not bat-shit crazy, you'll know how we felt.”