“WordsBe careful of words,even the miraculous ones.For the miraculous we do our best,sometimes they swarm like insectsand leave not a sting but a kiss.They can be as good as fingers.They can be as trusty as the rockyou stick your bottom on.But they can be both daisies and bruises.Yet I am in love with words.They are doves falling out of the ceiling.They are six holy oranges sitting in my lap.They are the trees, the legs of summer,and the sun, its passionate face.Yet often they fail me.I have so much I want to say,so many stories, images, proverbs, etc.But the words aren't good enough,the wrong ones kiss me.Sometimes I fly like an eaglebut with the wings of a wren.But I try to take careand be gentle to them.Words and eggs must be handled with care.Once broken they are impossiblethings to repair.”
In Anne Sexton's quote, she delves into the power and limitations of words. She starts by acknowledging the beauty and magic that words can hold, describing them as both miraculous and trustworthy. She compares words to various things, from fingers to doves, highlighting their versatility and significance in human expression. However, Sexton also recognizes the potential harm that words can cause, referring to them as both daisies and bruises. This dichotomy of words as both sources of comfort and pain mirrors the complexity of human communication. Sexton emphasizes the importance of handling words with care, as once spoken, they can have lasting impact that is difficult to undo. This quote serves as a poignant reminder of the weight that words carry and the responsibility one has in their use.
In this poignant poem by Anne Sexton, she explores the power and limitations of words. The way words can be both beautiful and harmful mirrors the complexities of communication in our modern world. With the prevalence of social media and instant messaging, it is more important than ever to choose our words carefully. Sexton's message serves as a reminder to handle words with care, recognizing their potential to both heal and harm.
In this poetic passage by Anne Sexton, the power and complexity of words are beautifully expressed. The author emphasizes the importance of choosing words carefully, as they have the potential to both uplift and harm. Despite their limitations, Sexton's love for words shines through as she compares them to doves, oranges, and the sun, showcasing their beauty and fragility.
Reflecting on Anne Sexton's poem about the power and limitations of words, consider the following questions:
“Ryann… I love you. Do you not love me back' I swallow at that and try to fight back the emotions that I had just been thinking. I know that I do love him but I also know that this, me leaving, was the best thing for him. I am awful for him and I would never be good enough for this wonderful man whom stands in front of me. I can’t force the words out of my mouth so I simply just shake my head 'no'. I can see in his eyes that the lack of words that I used hurt him just as much as any words I could have said.”
“It's good for me to see so many other people who are not me. That there are so many others. I feel affection for them. Most of them are doing the best they can. I am also doing the best I can.”
“I am what some would say 'holy, and wholly other than you.' The problem is that many folks try to grasp some sense of who I am by taking the best version of themselves, projecting that to the nth degree, factoring in all the goodness they can perceive, which often isn't much, and then call that God. And while it may seem like a noble effort, the truth is that it falls pitifully short of who I really am. I'm not merely the best version of you that you can think of. I am far more than that, above and beyond all that you can ask or think.”
“Dearest Mac,I love you. I will always love you.But I can live with you no longer. I've tried to be strong for you, for three years I have tried. I have failed. You tried to remake me in your image, dear Mac, and I tried to be what you wanted, but I no longer can. I am sorry.I want to write that my heart is breaking, but it is not. It broke some time ago, and I have just now realised that I can leave me heartbreak behind and go on.The decision to live without you was a painful one and not lightly made. I realise you can legally cause me much harm for taking this step, and I ask you, for the love we once shared, not to. It could be that I will not need to leave forever, but I know that I need time apart, alone, to heal. You have explained that you sometimes leave me for my own good, so I will have a chance to recover from life with you. Now I am doing the same, leaving so that both of us have a chance to breath, a chance to cool. Living with you is like being with a shooting star, one that burns so brightly that it scorches me. And I am watching the star burn out. In the end, Mac, I fear there will be nothing left of you.I know you will be angry when you read this, because you can grow so angry! But when you stop being angry, you will realize that my decision is sound. Together, we are destroying each other. Apart, I can remember my love for you. But you are burning me. You have exhausted me, and I have nothing left to give.Ian has agreed to bring this letter to you, and he will inform me of what steps you decide to take. I trust Ian to help us through. Please do not try to seek me yourself.I love you, Mac. I will always love you.Please be well.Isabella”
“You're the only one who can leave me completely breathless even when there's nothing but silence between us. It's 'like I can lay beside you and we not say a single word and still I have the best time.”