“Do I make you nervous, Madame Lambert?”“No. I just prefer to keep my distance.”“Evil isn’t contagious.”“I thought you said you weren’t the most evil man in the world?”“I’m not. But that doesn’t mean I’m a good man.”“I don’t think anyone would argue with that.”
“Just ’cause I’m the picture of manly perfection doesn’t mean I don’t have a brain.”
“I should have resisted somehow. I should’ve done something, anything. Instead, I just stood there and let them ... touch me.” Sam’s face crumpled with disgust at the thought. “No man has the power to resist their charms. You did what any other man would have done.” “But that’s just it, isn’t it?” He sat up angrily. “I’m not just any other man. In fact, I’m no man at all. I’m a demon.” “You are a man, and a good one. Have you even considered that your demon blood would make you just as susceptible to their charms?”
“Belonging to me doesn’t mean I’ll make you do anything, it just means I consider you mine for as long as this lasts. It means I protect you, it means I take care of you. For another man, it might mean something different. Don’t confuse me with another man”
“[...]i’m not a leftist trying to smuggle in my evil message by the nefarious means of fantasy novels. I’m a science fiction and fantasy geek. I love this stuff. And when I write my novels, I’m not writing them to make political points. I’m writing them because I passionately love monsters and the weird and horror stories and strange situations and surrealism, and what I want to do is communicate that. But, because I come at this with a political perspective, the world that I’m creating is embedded with many of the concerns that I have [...] I’m trying to say I’ve invented this world that I think is really cool and I have these really big stories to tell in it and one of the ways that I find to make that interesting is to think about it politically. If you want to do that too, that’s fantastic. But if not, isn’t this a cool monster?”
“Wow, you mean Tiffany’s an evil wench? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you!” I patted my heart in faux surprise.”