“life by its mere appalling length is a feat of endurance for which you haven't the strength.”
“The translucence that comes when life hardens into a bead of such cruel perfection you see it with the purest clarity. Everything suddenly there--life as it truly is, enormous, appalling, devastating. You see the great sinkholes it makes in people and the harrowing lengths to which love will go to fill them.”
“The truest measure of life is not in its length but the fullness in which it is lived.”
“Best not to take, yet doubt its strength,A leash with Demons at its length.”
“We draw our strength from the pains and despairs in which we have been forced to endure. But because of that strength, we shall endure.”
“Women already come equipped with a core of steel fiber strength, depths of resolve a man cannot comprehend. It’s not the dynamic strength men have, all power and show. It’s a strength of endurance, fortitude. It is the strength that allows women to conceive life and to carry that life until the day it can stand on its own.”