“I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine. (Song of Solomon 6:3a)”
“I belong to my beloved, and my beloved is mine.”
“I'm my beloved's and my beloved is mine.”
“What did you do on Armistice Night? My beloved is mine and I am his!”
“My beloved is the sunAnd I am the earth that thrives only in her warmth. My beloved is the rainAnd I am the grass that thirsts for her quenching kiss. My beloved is the windAnd I am the wings that soar when she fills me with her gentle strength.My beloved is the rockUpon which rests the happiness of all my days.—The Elements of Love, a poem by Aileron v'En Kavali of the Fey”
“I love you. You are mine. In my heart, I knew that from the beginning. You are my beloved, Tavia, my only one.”