“Bjauru mirti, todėl geriu. Bijau mirti, todėl rašau. Bijau mirti, ryju tabletes. Viskas vardan mirti.”
The quote "“Bjauru mirti, todėl geriu. Bijau mirti, todėl rašau. Bijau mirti, ryju tabletes. Viskas vardan mirti.” by Antanas Škėma reflects the intricate relationship between fear of death and various coping mechanisms.
In this quote, the speaker expresses their fear of death and the various ways they try to confront it. They drink, write, take pills, and do everything in the name of death. This highlights the profound impact that the fear of mortality can have on an individual's thoughts and actions. The repetition of the phrase "Bijau mirti" (I am afraid of death) emphasizes the central theme of the quote, underscoring the speaker's underlying anxiety and their attempts to grapple with the existential dread that comes with mortality. Overall, the quote speaks to the complex ways in which individuals navigate their fears and mortality through different outlets.
The quote by Antanas Škėma reflects on the fear of death and the ways in which individuals cope with this fear. In today's society, where mental health and self-care are increasingly important topics, this quote serves as a reminder of the different ways people may try to deal with their fears and anxieties. It highlights the importance of seeking healthier coping mechanisms and support systems to address underlying issues rather than attempting to numb the fear with substances or distractions.
The quote by Antanas Škėma highlights the different ways in which individuals cope with their fear of death.
"“Bjauru mirti, todėl geriu. Bijau mirti, todėl rašau. Bijau mirti, ryju tabletes. Viskas vardan mirti.” - Antanas Škėma"
Reflecting on the quote by Antanas Škėma, consider the following questions:
“Mirtis graži. Mirtis dieviška.”
“Negalima ramiai dūlinti link mirties, anaiptol ne todėl, kad anapus suvis nieko nėra. Kaip tik todėl, kad čia šis tas yra, bet yra taip maža, kad čia, anapus, nelieka nieko kito, kaip tik beviltiškai ilgėtis žemiškojo gyvenimo.”
“Mirtis visiems vienoda, tik kaina skirtinga.”
“Mirtis kvepėjo lietaus lašais pakelės lapuose.”
“Mirtis veda mus į laimės šalį.”