“This, perhaps, is how lives are measured, a series of abandonments that we hope beyond reason will eventually be reconciled.”
“Life is not a series of pathetic, meaningles actions. Some of them are so far from pathetic, so far from meaningless as to be beyond reason, maybe beyond forgiveness.”
“How can I be secure? (Pause.) Through amassing wealth beyond all measure? No. And what’s beyond measure? That’s a sickness. That’s a trap. There is no measure. Only greed.”
“Then you will have to trust me. Beyond logic, beyond reason, beyond hope, trust me.”
“He measures our lives by how we love.”
“Because in the end, the measure of a well-lived life is not titles or riches. It’s not even measured by the people we please, especially at the cost of our own souls. No, the true measure of a well-lived life is how well we love…and how well we are loved in return.”